Main program | Checkers

I remember when, in one of my first selector's notes, I wrote that the reason for accepting the role of selector was purely selfish. I still stand by this claim because it gives me the privilege to have an insight into the development of Croatian short film. Indeed, over years one can notice an improvement of quality and authors' maturity. True, films that do not fit into my enthusiastic claims wander into this category now and then. The good thing is, however, that it happens less and less.

This year, joining debutants will be the authors some of whose films you had a chance to see in the past editions of this program. Witnessing their progress as filmmakers and authors is very rewarding and I am happy that it takes place as part of our program. I also hope that some of the films will surprise you pleasantly, maybe even provoke you, while others might open another door of perception for you. One of the distinguishing features that deservedly makes them part of the same program is the realistic, every-day, fateful tangibility that they reflect, even when someone's vision is manifested through the etherealness and atmosphere. The destinies the films of this year's program deal with mostly illustrate human nature, which is sometimes unpredictable and two-faced, sometimes buried deep inside us and sometimes inclined to emerge when we least expect it. These are all the visible faces with reverse sides that we meet in our hallways, apartments, corridors, streets, squares, offices and schools. The stories about them tell us of primordial human weaknesses and strengths, the emotional ones that turn us into heroes and, sometimes, cowards. Most praises for courage should go to the authors themselves: they keep exploring the form, the language they use and the new sorts of discourse and storytelling that they unselfishly submit to you, their faithful audience. I am convinced you will be able to recognize and appreciate it while watching the lives and destinies from the world we all belong to unwinding before your eyes.

Vladimir Gojun, Selector of Checkers Program

Dijana Mlađenović, Croatia, 2013
Igor Šeregi, Croatia, 2013
Lana Kosovac, Croatia, 2013
Daria Blažević, Austria, Croatia, 2013
Nebojša Slijepčević, Croatia, 2013
Goran Ribarić, Croatia, 2013
Ivan Sikavica, Croatia, 2013
Igor Jelinović, Croatia, 2013
Tomislav Šoban, Croatia, 2013
Film program is subject to change without notice.