Main program | Documentary films

Documentary Film program (Zagreb Puppet Theater, Cinema Tuškanac) presents 12 medium-length and feature-length documentary films. They will compete for Golden Pram for Best Documentary Film. In addition to the award, the director of the best documentary film will receive the amount of EUR 1,000.

Marko Stanić, Croatia, 2013
Gus Holwerda, US, 2013
Dan Krauss, US, 2013
Željko Mirković, Serbia, 2013
Shawney Cohen, Canada, 2013
Havana Marking, UK, 2013
Leon Rizmaul, Croatia, 2013
Danilo Marunović, Montenegro, 2013
Andy Wolff, Germany, Belgium, 2012
Marat Sargsyan, Lithuania, 2012
Rodion Ismailov, Azerbaijan, Russia, 2013
Micha³ Bielawski, Poland, 2013
Film program is subject to change without notice.