
MEDIA Programme - before and after...



Dear visitors of the 11th edition of the Zagreb Film Festival,

Before we face the challenges of the forthcoming Creative Europe Programme which begins in the early 2014, it is important to highlight all of the past achievements and results of the MEDIA Program.

In the period between 15 September, 2008 and 1 October, 2013, Croatian beneficiaries secured the European funding to the sum total of EUR 2,762,210.

In other words, through the financing of the MEDIA Program, support was secured for the development of 17 Croatian feature films, 5 Croatian film festivals, the digitisation of 4 Croatian cinemas, the automatic and selective distribution of European films in Croatia, and co-financing was secured for 11 Croatian cinemas within the EUROPA CINEMAS network as well as for individual projects within the schemes: i2i, continuous training and slate funding.

The MEDIA Program of the European Union is intended for the development of the European audiovisual industry, giving special attention to the education or, rather, the continuous training of film professionals, film festival organisers, distributors and all those who contribute with their work to the development of the individual segments of the audiovisual industry. In accordance with such endeavours of the Program, the activities of the MEDIA Desk Croatia are important training, information and networking tools for the Croatian film professionals.

The MEDIA Program – Before and After Info Day will enable Croatian beneficiaries to present their achievements, exchange their experiences from various professional training workshops and become acquainted with the functioning of the future MEDIA sub-program within the context of the Creative Europe Programme. Furthermore, the task of the workshop called Multi-platform & Marketing Business School is to assist in innovative film project devising, especially in the fields of cross- and transmedia. This will also be an announcement of sorts of the multidisciplinary projects that will be greatly represented in the areas opened by the forthcoming Programme.

The MEDIA Desk Croatia invites you to come in large numbers and join another early-autumn edition of the Zagreb Film Festival, take part in the Info Day and support your associates and colleagues at the workshop that will show you future creative challenges.

Your MEDIA Desk