


Cinema Europa is an iconic Zagreb movie theater and a protected cultural heritage and national treasure of the Republic of Croatia. It was commissioned by the wealthy Zagreb-based Müller family and built by architect Srećko Florshütz in 1924/25. The goal was to make the most beautiful, important and modern movie theater in this region.

 These eventful seven decades have seen the changing of street names and political and economic systems but the cinema has maintained its original purpose. Film lovers, couples and chance guests come here to relax, get away from reality and enjoy in good films. 

The City of Zagreb bought the cinema after a successful campaign organized by Zagreb Film Festival and Croatian Film Association. Croatian filmmakers' and cultural communities and all film lovers made an appeal to the city authorities to buy the cinema so that it could be preserved for film-screening purposes. 

In the early 2008, Zagreb Film Festival was entrusted with the managing of the Cinema Europa in order to turn it into a regional center of cinematic art. Ever since, Cinema Europa has nurtured a program that makes it the leading regional institution for screening of independent contemporary films and a venue for almost all festivals and events in Zagreb.

 Its year-round regular program includes some forty independent contemporary films from all over the world and of all categories – feature and short fiction films, animated films, documentary films, experimental films, children's films etc. As many as 17 Croatian film festivals and events found their home on Varšavska Street 3. Our screenings include some thirty premiers of all genres every year. Paying particular attention to children, we show high-quality films intended for pre-school and school-age kids.

 Here you can read more about Cinema Europa.  | facebook facebook | twitter twitter



Due to a long-time poor offer in film art, lack of venues for running non-repertory and non-commercial movies as well as lack of places where one can see archive classic contents, contemporary and recent production or alternative and amateur film, for the needs for educational content for some fifty thousand high-school and university students in Zagreb, whose studying is linked with the media culture i.e. film history, the Croatian Film Association in cooperation with the Croatian Cinemateque launched in 2001 the Film Programs.

In the era of total commercialization, the Croatian Film Association decided to establish, through the programs in the Cinema Tuškanac, a center of film culture in Zagreb, a place for gathering of not only film connoisseurs but primarily high-school and university students which make up the largest part of the Tuškanac audience.



Zagreb Dance Center opened its doors on 26 October 2009 and it was the first venue in Croatia built exclusively for dancing purposes. ZDC was conceived as a cinema-dance center which will promote, through residential and other programs, the development of a new generation of choreographs in Zagreb and Croatia. ZDC also supports research, creativity and the production of contemporary dance choreographies. In cooperation with the ZDC and through various programs the Croatian Institute for Movement and Dance promotes a more dynamic integration of the City of Zagreb and Croatian dance artists into the Europe and world projects through a rich program of international cooperation in culture.

Throughout the year the ZDC program offers a wide choice of dance events where you can not only follow dance shows, dance movies but also meet with dance artists and actively participate in various dance educational activities. All activities are accessible not only to those with a certain level of dancing experience – dance in ZDC is for everyone!



The Museum, linking the old and the New Zagreb is a unique place of gathering, learning, fun and entertainment. Over six hundred art pieces from the Collection of the Museum, from both domestic and international artists is exhibited as permanent display on the three floors, roof terraces and outdoor space while occasional exhibitions are being held in the two-floor southern wing, in the NO Gallery on ground floor and on the western media facade, thus emphasizing openness and flexibility of the building designed by the architect Igor Franić.




Zagreb Puppet Theater (ZKL) is the oldest and biggest such theater in Croatia, hosting top-quality puppeteers and Croatian and foreign dramatists for more than sixty years now. During the festival week, it will turn into an attractive movie theater and will host our competition documentary film program. Zagreb Puppet Theater was founded by Croatian government on 6 February, 1948. In its first years, Vojmil Rabadan was the one who left his imprint as art director, dramatists and director.

The beginning of the theater's (and general Croatian puppeteers') new era dates back to 24 October, 2004, when the new central building was opened. Its equipment meets the highest European standards. In 2008, ZKL crossed the river Sava when its Travno venue was opened. It should be mentioned that, in addition to its role in the promotion of puppetry, ZKL has made very important contribution to the esthetical and moral education of young generations: its close cooperation with day-care centers, schools and education institutions adds a special value to this theater's role in the social life of Zagreb and Croatia. 

Here are the directions to our festival locations.