Boxed / Kutija
Nebojša Slijepčević, Croatia, 2013
Directed by: Nebojša Slijepčević
Script: Nebojša Slijepčević
Producer: Vanja Jambroviæ, Hrvoje Osvadiæ
Production company: Petnaesta umjetnost
Cinematography: Miran Krèadinac
Editing: Nebojša Slijepèeviæ, Iva Kraljeviæ
Cast: Rakan Rushaidat, Marko Nikoliæ, Igor Hamer, Ivan Ožegoviæ, Damir Šaban
Format: HD
Running time: 25'

A stranger comes to a local bar, where the guys from local betting shop hang on a daily basis. The stranger leaves a box there, asking them to keep it for him without opening it. However, curiosity forces the guys to open it. When the stranger catches them red-handed, the situation gets complicated. While audience has no doubts that the guys are doing a wrong thing, they, too, are curious at the same time. The fact that the ‘bad guys’ in the film are driven by the same urge the viewer puts the viewer in an ambivalent position.

Awards and Festivals
Dani hrvatskog filma 2013

Directors Biography
Nebojša Slijepèeviæ was born in Zagreb in 1973. He took a degree in Film Directing from the Zagreb Academy of Dramatic Arts. He has directed numerous TV documentaries, including the award-winning episode of 'City Folk', produced by the EBU (European Broadcast Union). He is one of the authors of the 'Direct' documentary series. As a creative producer, he worked on 'Romani People in Europe' series, a co-production of a dozen of European countries. He also authored an animated film entitled 'A Dog/Rabbit', documentary films 'Gangster of Love', 'Real Man's Film' and 'In Four Years' for which he won EDN Talent Grant at Sarajevo Film Festival, and the short film 'Slap' which is a part of the omnibus 'Zagreb Stories'.

Location and screening schedule: CINEMA TUŠKANAC, Tuesday, October 22nd at 23.00